
How To Remove Soap Scum From Shower Glass

Tabular array of Contents

  • 1 What is Soap Scum?
  • ii Why Glass Sower Doors?
  • 3 How Lather Scum Sticks to Glass Shower Doors?
  • iv How to Go Rid of Soap Scums on Shower Doors
    • 4.1 The use of Rain-X:
    • 4.ii The utilise of Microfiber Textile and Squeegee:
    • 4.three DIY Cleaning Solutions:
  • 5 Methods to Permanently Prevent Lather Scum from Sticking On Drinking glass Shower Doors

What is Soap Scum?

Soap scum refers to the white or gray thin film soap, clay and skin cells leave behind. These accrue around the bathtub, sink, shower and in this case, drinking glass shower doors. Soap Scums on shower doors can have time to build upwardly with shower curtains but are more noticeable on glass shower doors.

soap stains on shower door

Why Drinking glass Sower Doors?

You may think to yourself, "If I have to worry about lather scum on my Glass shower door, why should I get one?". Using a glass shower door comes with lots of benefits, some of them are:

benefits of having shower door
  • Drinking glass shower doors present you with multifariousness. When you shop your glass shower doors at FAB Drinking glass and Mirror, you are open to make your choices on various sizes and designs that would fit in unlike showers. You also get to choose other options like shape, texture and color.
  • Drinking glass shower doors burnish upward your bathroom space and make it what it should be – Relaxing! Rather than have your bathroom look similar a dark room, glass shower doors create a bright and relaxing ambience for your bath.
  • You don't want to experience like you lot are from the stone historic period? Become a glass shower door! It gives your abode a trendy and luxurious experience, information technology also gives your bath a modern wait.
  • Besides the above, drinking glass shower doors are very easy to clean. Glass shower doors are durable, easy to maintain and you can get rid of buildups chop-chop compared to other types of shower doors.

How Soap Scum Sticks to Glass Shower Doors?

soap scums on shower door

When soap is used in hard water, lather scums on shower doors start building upwards. To explain this scientifically, lather scum is formed when magnesium and calcium particles in h2o combine with lather. Every bit long every bit we use water in our bath and it splashes on our glass shower doors, the minerals in the water mix-up with the soap to course soap scum.

This combination creates a scaly layer on the surfaces of glass shower doors and with time, this builds upwardly. Those who accept hard water, i.e. water with more minerals, will feel more soap scums on shower doors because hard water contains more than minerals.

The scum if left for too long can build up rapidly especially as you lot keep using the bath. Let's take y'all through dissimilar ways you can easily apply to get rid of soap scum.

How to Go Rid of Lather Scums on Shower Doors

You can get rid of soap scum past employing one or more of the post-obit ways.

The utilise of Rain-X:

use of glass cleaner

Rain-10 was made to be used on vehicle windows but this can work to help become rid of soap scum on your glass shower doors. Rain-X holds off water, as a issue, this can reduce the rate at which lather scum builds up on your drinking glass shower doors. Using Rain-X for this purpose is a inexpensive way to keep your glass shower doors looking clean.

  • Sprinkle a few squirts of Rain-ten on the glass shower door.
  • Rub off with a clean towel. Sprinkle Rain-10 on the entire Drinking glass door and rub off with the towel until the glass door is completely dry out.
  • Test to see if it works by spraying the glass door with h2o.
  • The water should roll into beads and roll off the glass shower door.
  • Now you tin savour weeks of make clean glass shower doors without soap scum.

The apply of Microfiber Textile and Squeegee:

cleaning glass shower

A squeegee is a window cleaning tool, It has a flat rubber-edged blade set on a handle and is used typically for scraping or getting rid of things from a surface. You can employ a squeegee on drinking glass shower doors to get rid of soap scum. To make this effective, you lot use a squeegee occasionally or daily after using the bathroom to prevent lather scum and also to get rid of the ones on the glass shower door.

Microfiber cloths are a practiced choice against buildup of scum and h2o spots on your glass shower doors. They are skillful especially for places that are difficult to reach such as in tight corners and underneath door handles. Brand sure to wring them out after apply.

DIY Cleaning Solutions:

home made cleaning solution

Another mode is to accept the traditional Do-it-Yourself road. A few ingredients in the home will get rid of stubborn soap scum in a wink. One of such is the combined use of Vinegar, Baking soda and salt. Sprinkle Vinegar on your glass shower door, leave for a few minutes. Mix upward equal amounts of common salt and baking soda, and so use a damp sponge to rub this mixture over the glass shower door. Rinse subsequently with h2o.

Tools and Materials required to clean Glass Shower Doors

From the cleaning methods suggested higher up, regular tools needed for keeping your glass shower doors soap scum complimentary are:

  • Rain-X, another culling product is Water Amour.
  • Squeegee
  • Microfiber cloths
  • Spray bottles
  • Sponge
  • Household items

Methods to Permanently Prevent Soap Scum from Sticking On Drinking glass Shower Doors

Preventing lather scum buildup can reduce significantly the number of times needed for u.s. to make clean our glass shower doors in a bid to go rid of soap scum. Some of the things we can exercise that human activity as preventive measures are:

ways to prevent soap scum form sticking on shower door
  • Afterwards cleaning glass shower doors, utilize a car wax or gel gloss to the surface. This volition make information technology hard for soap scum to build up quickly.
  • Switch using bar soap for a gel or liquid body soap. Bar soaps comprise talc which contributes to soap scum buildup. Switching to a gel or liquid body soap will significantly reduce the amount of lather scum build up on your glass shower doors.
  • A sprinkle of Epsom salts in your bath makes lather balance go through the bleed. This preclude soap stains from sticking on glass shower doors.
  • A daily cleaning routine using a daily cleaner like a squeegee can help prevent soap scum from coming dorsum completely.
  • Afterwards cleaning, wiping the glass shower door surface with piece of furniture oil can prevent soap scum. This will go out a film that will act as a barrier against lather scum.


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