
How Much To Remove A Small Tattoo

laser tattoo removal cost

Are you lot regretting your ink? Or perhaps you lot want to change the design for something better? If so you'll probably be request how much does laser tattoo removal cost?

The quick answer is – information technology costs a lot more than having the tattoo done in the first place! That's considering the process takes many many sessions spaced over months and possibly even years.


The kickoff thing to say is that the price depends on the size of the tattoo – every bit this determines the length of time it will take to light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation it. Here are some examples for a Q switched laser treatment.

  • A very small tattoo of one-2 inches – like a golf ball or smaller, may toll £30-fifty per session.
  • A tattoo of iii inches – like the size of a tennis brawl, may toll yous from £40-£80 per session, depending on your area.
  • A medium tattoo – like two lawn tennis balls will be around £seventy-100.
  • Half a sleeve will be more like £140-£200.

If your tattoo is a professional tattoo (not administered by you sticking a needle or compass in yourself) and so information technology will take multiple sessions. Expect at least 5 sessions – merely information technology could take 10 or even more.  I'll explicate what determines the number of sessions later.

In this example – let's say it costs £l per session and y'all end upward having seven sessions.  £50 x 7 = £350.

You'll want to leave around 6 weeks in-between each session.


There are many factors which can affect how many light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation treatments you'll finish up needing.  Allow me give yous a brief description of how information technology works then you can sympathize why.

The light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation shatters the ink particles in your peel layer by layer. Later on each treatment, at that place will be particles of ink which are at present pocket-size plenty for your trunk's allowed organization to engulf (a bit like a pac homo). These clever cells gobble upward the ink and remove it from your body in your urine. The whole procedure relies on your body acting on the ink (which information technology sees as a foreign body) and removing information technology.

This is what volition affect how many sessions you need:

  • How much ink is in your skin in the first place eg. how dumbo and how deep your tattoo is.
  • How healthy are you lot – does your immune arrangement work effectively?
  • Your lifestyle. Practice yous fume, take drugs or potable heavily? If and then it will have more than sessions – equally your immune system has the toxins from fume/drugs etc to contend with besides.
  • The age of the tattoo – very old tattoos are usually quicker to remove, as they are ofttimes already faded and break up more easily.
  • Where is the tattoo on your body? The further away from the heart the harder information technology is to remove. And so the same tattoo on your shoulder volition be removed more quickly than an exact replica on your ankle.
  • How long you leave inbetween sessions. This actually does brand quite a big difference.  If y'all are prepared to exit actually long gaps betwixt sessions (10 weeks plus) so you lot can end up requiring less sessions. So information technology might be taking longer overall but you lot are spending less money!
  • Is it a professional person or amateur tattoo? An amateur tattoo may simply have 2-3 sessions. A professional tattoo will take much longer, due to the depth and greater amount of ink.
  • The type of light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation volition as well play a role. A quality laser volition shatter more than ink than a lower powered laser, and therefore will intermission the tattoo down quicker. For example a 'passive' Q switch may take 6-eight sessions to reach a 50% fade, merely a good 'active' Q switch laser may merely take four-5 sessions.


If you go to an established laser clinic and then they should be able to give you a crude estimate.  Merely even then it is very difficult to say.

I would inquire to encounter photos of tattoo removal that the clinic has carried out so you can see the results for yourself, and ask them how many sessions it took.

From experience we have a good idea if it'south going to take five-7 sessions or probably ten sessions plus. However after xv years I'thou not e'er right!

Most clinics volition give you a discounted price for multiple sessions if you lot pay upward front.  For example – Pay for 4 sessions and go the 5th session free.  This means that you're getting a 20% discount.  You should observe that virtually laser tattoo removal clinics volition provide a discount for block booking.  If they don't mention information technology – but inquire.


Here are a few tips (although yous may not like them!) to aid reduce the number of sessions yous need and save you some coin:

  1. Once your skin is healed (after light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) massage your tattoo daily. If you do it in the shower or bath you'll remember ameliorate.  Utilise anything you're washing yourself with – just massaging your skin volition increase the circulation in the expanse, and get more blood cells to the tattoo, which volition assist remove it.
  2. Drink lots of water.
  3. Exercise more – this also speeds upward your circulation.
  4. Stop smoking – I've already mentioned this and it really does affect the removal process.
  5. Exit long gaps in-between light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation – this not merely helps your skin heal only also allows your torso to continue processing the ink and removing it. About clients are keen to come back as shortly every bit they can, simply actually if y'all can leave long gaps of 10 weeks, then yous'll be doing yourself a favour.

So now you know the question, 'how much does laser tattoo removal cost?' is non so straightforward to answer. But hopefully you accept a better idea of the toll range for your own tattoo.


I hope this commodity has helped you empathize more nearly how much it's going to price your to remove your tattoo.

If you have any more questions nearly tattoo removal feel gratis to e-mail me at

Or you tin visit our laser tattoo removal page hither.

How Much To Remove A Small Tattoo,


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