
How To Remove Search Bar In Windows 10

The Search box on the Windows 10 taskbar takes up a lot of real manor. If you want to create more room on the taskbar y'all tin can reduce its size or remove it entirely.

One of the features that came to Windows 10 starting a few builds ago is a Windows Search box where Cortana used to live. And it takes upwards a adept chunk of infinite on the taskbar. If you would rather take more than room on the taskbar for icons, you tin can get rid of information technology. Hither'due south how.

Windows 10 Search Box

If you're new to Windows 10 or take been using it for a while now, you will like this trick. It makes more room for other items yous might desire on the taskbar.

Windows 10 Search box

The Windows Search box lives side by side to the Start button. Just it takes up a lot of room on the taskbar.

When you search for an app, file, or other items, a search results box will pop up with the all-time matches. It also includes features at the top that permit for more in-depth and specific searches if you need them.

search results

Hide the Windows x Search Box

To remove the search box yous take a couple of options. Right-click in the box or an empty area next to it on the taskbar. From the menu get to Search and y'all can choose to only Show search icon or select Subconscious.

 Search Icon

Commencement, here'southward a wait at showing only the search icon – it looks similar a magnifying drinking glass and is just a button. Y'all tin can still click on it to do a search, but it frees upward a practiced chunk of space on the taskbar.

 search icon only

In the following instance, I completely disabled it — all gone. This gives you lot a nice and clean look to the taskbar and easy access to the Start button.

 search icon removed

If y'all want to brand fifty-fifty more room, you tin get rid of the Cortana and Task View buttons, too. Right-click the taskbar and uncheck them from the menu.

remove cortana and task view

Hither is how it looks with Search, Cortana, and Chore View buttons removed. Only the Offset button remains and y'all tin can move right over to your apps on the taskbar.

everything removed

So, How Practice I Search Windows ten?

So at present you might be wondering how to search Windows ten with the search box and button removed? Information technology's simple. Striking the Windows Key on your keyboard and kickoff typing in your query. When you start typing the Windows Search Box will come up up. For example, here I just hitting the Windows key and started typing my search for Windows Administrative Tools.

search admin tools

That'south all there is to information technology. Whether or not you desire to remove the Search button entirely, let alone the Chore View and/or Cortana buttons, simply getting rid of the total box saves enough of infinite for other items.

It'south worth noting that the Task View button will bring up the Windows Timeline feature. If you don't use that feature it's fine to get ahead and remove the button. And I don't know of many people who use Cortana on their PCs anyhow — so removing that push simply gives you more room on the taskbar.


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