
Best iPad Reading Apps - Books, Blogs & Magazines - wilkinsonlablen

A lot of people use their iPad for primarily one reason – reading. Whether you are reading books, magazines or blogs, in that respect's an app for that. And if you are non sure which app you want to use you should sportsmanlike go and try them all. To make it a spot easier for you, I have tried quite lot of apps. So let's look at the best ones for apiece "reading family".


When it comes to book-reading apps it really depends on where you prefer to buy your ebooks. Most iPad users buy ebooks happening either Amazon or the iBookStore. Thu, you should use the Kindle or iBooks app. Victimisation measure apps will ready things so much easier for you: No importing, exportation, transferring and then on.

I, personally, favour purchasing books from Amazon mainly because of a larger number of books to choose from. If you are a effortless reader like I am you won't notice too many differences in reading experiences between iBooks and Kindle. Both are good readers with standardised functionality – displaying text on a riddle.

The Kindle app has recently received a large add up of negative reviews, simply because the Depot was removed from the app. Please don't let the reviews check you from using the app. If you want to buy ebooks from your iPad you tail just use the Amazon app Oregon visit the website. Simple as that.

Blogs & Magazines

iPads are great for reading blogs and magazines. Many gifted developers take created awing apps for you to read your favorite blogs and discover new ones.

I role a combination of several apps to show my blogs. Each app has its own propose.

Quickly flick through the current articles: Pulsing

Pulse is an app that allows you to have a quick optic view of the latest articles from your favorite blogs. The app shows you a grit, where the tiles are separate posts. You can have up to 12 sources (rows) on one page. If you need more – just create a revolutionary page.

flick through blog articles on your ipad with pulse

Cartridge clip experience: Flipboard

Flipboard offers a different kind of see for reading blogs. When you open the app the first thing you see is a "masking" with the top stories – just like a powder store. The magazine experience stays unchanging crosswise the app. Big publishers, the like for example FastCompany, optimize their content for Flipboard, having their own design and rich media. Flipboard is not just a simple text reader.

blog magazine experience ipad

Read articles later o: Air pocket

You credibly too read blogs which publish elongate articles you would really want to read but simply father't have the clip to behave it perpendicular directly. Pocket is a great answer for this kind of situation. The app allows you to save the articles you want to translate later. There are two things I appreciate almost: the fact that it plugs-in with many a different apps and offline reading.

When I learn a new clause on either Flipboard or Pulse I can easily save it to Scoop and scan IT later, whenever I deficiency. Even offline. If you save the article to Pocket it will automatically be downloaded to your iPad for offline reading. You can also deliver articles from your computer using a browser extension (Chrome, Firefox), a bookmarklet or email the link to add the clause.

Read digital magazines: Newsstand

If you are a fan of magazines you should feel out Newsstand if you haven't already. The store offers a wide miscellanea of magazines ranging from Lifestyle to Business and Science. To the highest degree voluminous publishers feature iPad versions of their magazines available for you to buy and download.

Newsstand and other competitory magazine-reading apps are still far away from existence consummate. The potency of these apps is enormous, yet not victimised by most publishers. Remember that recital magazines on a tablet is not like reading a print magazine.


An iPad, whether it's a regular one or a Miniskirt, are great reading devices. The screen is sharply, bringh and colorful. You can make it brighter in sunlight and dim the screen when it's darker. I, personally, prefer reading on the lighter and little iPad Mini, which has a more book-care format.

Which apps and devices do you prefer for reading your blogs and whole number magazines?


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